NIM. TE. 130484
A. Background of the Research
As it is known that there are many languages in the world. One of them is English. Cohen (2003, p.5) states that this language is considered as the most important one in the world. Most people study English for work. Businesses worldwide use English as the universal language and medium of communication. To be able to either immigrate or work in English speaking continents like the US, Europe and Australia, one must pass examinations such as IELTS. This is also true if one want to enter a foreign school or university. But even outside the professional world, being able to communicate properly in English allows the ability to portray oneself better. This ability results to gaining better acceptance and understanding as well as respect from other people.
English language has been taught for Indonesian students started from primary to tertiary level as an international language in order to make them able to communicate with others from other country . Some problems in learning English for Indonesian students are pronunciation which many Indonesians have trouble pronouncing consonant clusters ( 3 or more consonants together is a word), as these clusters do not occur in Bahasa Indonesia. The rolling of the letter 'r' is another common issue, but not one which causes any kind of strain for the listener. Then, Bahasa Indonesia does not have tenses as such, and a simplified method of talking about different points in time is often attempted in English (for example, 'yesterday I go'). The concept of tenses, especially the more complex perfect tenses, is often difficult to grasp for Indonesian students. Similarly, Indonesian English students often have trouble creating sentences with correct word order, again caused by the word order patterns in their first language (for example, 'the tree big'). Finally, most Indonesian words are spelled phonetically, creating problems with learning the inconsistent, almost random way in which many English words are spelled. (Keating, 2016).
In, fact In the process of learning English, there is a way of each individual in acquiring the learning. The way is more familiar with learning style. Every people has different learning style in learning, the students have one learning style which suitable for them.
Moreover, Learning style can be helpful and beneficial to the student in to be more focus in learning that will increase learning process. Discovering the learning style will allow the student to determine their own personal strengths and weaknesses and learn from them. Teachers can incorporate learning styles into their classroom by identifying the learning styles of each student, matching teaching style to learning style for difficult tasks, strengthening weaker learning styles through easier tasks and drill, teaching students, and learning style selection. Based on Gunawan’s research (2006, p.139) It is found that if the students learned by using their dominant learning styles during following testing , they got score better than if they did not learn toward their style. Moreover, Purwanto (2009, p.107) said that learners as the raw input have certain characteristics both physiology and psychology which are able to influence learning process as well as achievement.
Moreover, Deborah (2005,p.1) stated that people differ in how they view the world, how they take in information, and how they take action based on their perceptions. Appreciation and using your learning style affects the ability to study efficiently and to achieve success. Thus, it can be concluded that learning style affects to student’s English ability and it can makes students study by their own efficiently and easily. Then, learning style also relates to student’s achievement in English.
Specifically in SMPN 1 Atap Muaro Jambi the writer found that students are lack in their English achievement. In fact, the standard completeness in SMPN 1 Atap Muaro Jambi is 7, 0 but the students only reach 6, 6. As it was observed, the lack ability of the seventh grade students in SMPN 1 Atap Muaro Jambi in English is influenced by several factors.One of the factors is students cannot accept the lesson maximally. Some of students enjoy the learning activity but some of them were busy with themselves. Teacher in this school usually used seminar methos in teaching, for the note, this kinds of method is only suitable for students with audio learning style. The rest of students with different learning style will not interested in learning English. Of course, they did not get the best point of lesson and it will give effect to their achievement.
Therefore, it is necessary to apply the method, techniques or strategies that suitable to students’ learning style in order to help them can reach good achievement in English subject. Knowing students’ learning style by tested them can be the first step to solve this problem. Then, finding the suitable ways in teching based on their style and how to divided the duration in classroom will be the next step.
Learning based on Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic (VAK) learning style provide a medium for self-knowledge and exploring opportunities in classrooms. It should be teacher’s priority. Students possess diversity in learning styles, Teachers should effectively deliver the lesson according to the students’ style, thus, making a more productive learning experience and enjoyment among students.
Related with the statement above the researcher wanted to determine the ability of student in Learnig English. This condition make the writer to conduct research entitled “An Analysis of Students English Lerning Style at SMPN Satu Atap Muaro Jambi”
B. Limitation of the Problem
This research focused only on the learning style types. They are audio, visual and kinesthetic style.
C. Problem of the Study
Based on the Backround above, the research question is formulated “What are the Learning Styles of the Student at SMP N 1 Atap Muaro Jambi ?”
D. Objective of the Study
The objective of this stdy is to find out the Learning Styles of the Student at SMP N 1 Atap Muaro Jambi
E. Significances of the Study
This study is expected to give some significances. Firstly, for the writer, this study will help him to enlarge her knowledge and get experience in doing the research. Besides, through the results of this, it is expected that the teachers at school can find appropriate ways to teach and improve the students based on students’ learning style. Thus, by having appropriate learning style type, the students will be encouraged to study better to improve their skills especially their achievement score. Next, It is also hoped that this study may be useful for other students of English education department who intends to write the thesis with a similar topic.
A. Language Acquisition
Language acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to produce and use words and sentences to communicate.Then, language acquisition is opposed to learning and is a subconscious process similar to that by which children acquire their first language (Kamiscka, 2014,p.27).
According to Ellis (2007,p.127) there are three different views on the role of input in language acquisition: the behaviorist, the nativist, the interaction views. Those different views regarding the role of input in language development have been discussed. The behaviorist view emphasizes the importance of the linguistics environment, which is treated in terms of stimuli and feedback. The nativist view minimizes the role of the input and explains language development primarily in terms of the learner’s internal processing mechanisms. The interactionism view sees language development as the result both of input factor and of innate mechanisms.
The most well-known theory about language acquisition is the nativist theory, which suggests that we are born with something in our genes that allows us to learn language. It proposes that there is a theoretical language acquisition device (LAD) somewhere in our brains that is responsible for learning a language the same way the hypothalamus is responsible for maintaining your body temperature. If language was partly biological, it could explain why humans seem to have far more complicated communication patterns than any other species .
Although no physical “language organ” exists in the brain, language acquisition can be hampered if certain parts of the brain are damaged during critical periods of language development. Damage to the left hemisphere, for example can lead to aphasia - a disorder which causes problems with language, while leaving intelligence untouched. For example, in Wernicke’s aphasia, patients with damage in a certain region of the brain can no longer understand language. Although they can still form normal sentences, neither what they say nor the words of others make any sense to them. Patients with Broca’s aphasia on the other hand, have problems forming language but no trouble understanding what is said to them. Studies have shown that young children with damage in similar regions of the brain can actually grow up with only slightly impaired language ability - implying that the brain can develop new language pathways that are good, but not quite as good as the original (Reilly, 1998).
Nativist theory also suggests that there is a universal grammar that is shared across differing languages, because this grammar is part of our genetic make-up. The majority of world languages have verbs and nouns, although this is not true in every instance, as well as similar ways to structure thoughts. Language is thought of as having a finite amount of rules from which we can build an infinite amount of phrases, and the core of these rules is somehow programmed into our brains. This is an ideal theory for explaining how young children can learn such complicated ideas so quickly, or why there are so many similarities in language around the world. This theory is comparable to how we think of numbers; regardless of cultural background, math always works the same way.
Another way to look at language learning is to treat it like learning a new skill. The learning theory of language acquisition suggests that children learn a language much like they learn to tie their shoes or how to count; through repetition and reinforcement. When babies first learn to babble, parents and guardians smile, coo, and hug them for this behavior. As they grow older, children are praised for speaking properly and corrected when they misspeak. Thus, language arises from stimuli and stimuli response. While this is logical, it fails to explain how new words or phrases come about, since children are only parroting the things they have heard from others.
The interactionist approach (sociocultural theory) combines ideas from sociology and biology to explain how language is developed. According to this theory, children learn language out of a desire to communicate with the world around them. Language emerges from, and is dependent upon, social interaction. The Interactionist approach claims that if our language ability develops out of a desire to communicate, then language is dependent upon whom we want to communicate with. This means the environment you grow up in will heavily affect how well and how quickly you learn to talk. For example, infants being raised by only their mother are more likely to learn the word “mama”, and less likely to develop “dada”. Among the first words we learn are ways to demand attention or food. If you’ve ever tried to learn a new language, you may recognize this theory’s influence. Language classes often teach commonly used vocabulary and phrases first, and then focus on building conversations rather than simple rote memorization. Even when we expand our vocabularies in our native language, we remember the words we use the most.
It’s important to keep in mind that theories of language acquisition are just ideas created by researchers to explain their observations. How accurate these theories are to the real world is debatable. Language acquisition is a complicated process influenced by the genetics of an individual as well as the environment they live in.
B. Factors that Contribute Language Acquisition
Some students learn a new language more quickly and easily than others. This simple fact is known by all who have themselves learned a second language or taught those who are using their second language in school. (Lightbown and Spada, 2013, p.1). Clearly, some language learners are successful by virtue of their sheer determination, hard work and persistence. However there are other crucial factors influencing success that are largely beyond the control of the learner. These factors can be broadly categorized as internal and external. It is their complex interplay that determines the speed and facility with which the new language is learned.
Then, Carver (in Kaminska, 2014, p. 9) has proposed a taxonomy of language learning methodology where the highest category is learning style. In his words, learning style “is concerned with the learner’s preferences for ways of organising his learning, and with the interaction between his personality and his situation as a learner” Learning styles produce work habits, such as leaving work until the last moment, working through the night or consulting colleagues.
Moreover, Kaminska (2014,p.11) stated that Irrespective of what definitions of style and strategy are adopted, the relationship between them seems to be of the chicken-and-egg kind. It is not clear whether strategies stem from styles, or conversely, whether styles are labels given to specific types of strategic behaviors. In either case, however, styles and strategies appear to be inextricably intertwined.
C. Learning Styles
Learning style is an individual's unique approach to learning based on strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. Then, Mac Adams and Palms (2006) Learning style is a a combination of how someone absorb and then organize and processing the information. Style of learning is not only the form aspect when facing information , see , hear , write and said, but also aspects of processing sekunsial information , analytics , global or brain left and right brain . Another aspect is when responding to something on the learning environment ( Absorbed in the abstract and concrete )
Learning styles can be defined as the efforts of individuals to achieve learning goals. As a first step experience learning is familiar with learning styles. According to De Porter and Henarcky in Quantum Learning (2015, p.123) learning styles divided into visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Adding by Nasution (2005, p.94) defines that learning style is the way concistent which is done by a students to catch stimulus or information, to remember, think and solve the problem.
Gufron, (2013) states that learning styles explain how individuals learn or manner taken by each person to contrastive on mastering processes and information difficult and only through a different perception. Halim (2012) states that there are students who have a tendency absorb more leverage information through the senses vision (visual), there is also through the senses hearing (auditory), and through physical activity and the body (kinesthetic). Based on Landry (2003), he said that some students tend to use a combination of multiple learning styles. Saadi (2014) states that style learning is the combination consisting of students use more than one style of learning .
Brown (2000) defines learning styles as the manner in which individuals perceive and process information in learning situations. He argues that learning style preference is one aspect of learning style, and refers to the choice of one learning situation or condition over another.
In fact, sometime a student can have more than one learning style. But, one of the learning styles will be more dominant than other. This clue supported by Rose and Nicholl that state "In reality we have The third style of learning it, just one style that dominates”. The combination of those learning styles can be audio and visual, kinesthetic and visual, audio and kinesthetic, or the students may have whole of the learning styles.
From the explanation above, it was concluded that learning style is the way something to tends and to selected students in reacting and using the incentives in order to absorb , then organize and process each information in the process of learning.
Technically, an individual’s learning style refers to the preferential way in which the student absorbs, processes, comprehends and retains information. Each learner has his/her own preferences and the ways in learning a language. Having different preferred ways show that each learner has his/her own learning style. Educators attempt to define learning style differently. Willing (1999, p.1) state that learning style is individual learner’s natural, habitual, and preferred ways of learning.
De Porter and Henarcky (2015,p.124) stated that learning style may alter according to many factors. Different styles work for different subjects and even the time of the day. Students will probably learn by using a combination of these styles.
Based on explanation above, learning style is important for teachers to teach to their students’ learning styles but this becomes crucial when teaching English language learners. In fact, teacher always use visual teaching, while some students are audio and kinesthetic learners. So, its purpose is to identify what students learning style in order to make teacher easier to give learning strategy to students. Beside, students can improved their ability using their learning style.
According to De Porter and Henarcky in Quantum Learning (2015, p.123) states that learning styles divided into learning styles of visual, auditory and kinesthetic. There are many ways to be recognized learning styles as written De Porter and Henarcky (2015,p.118-120), one of which with know the characteristics, namely:
a. Visual learning style
Visual learning is a learning style in which ideas, concepts, data, and other information are associated with images and techniques. Students learn best when information is presented visually and in a picture or design format. When trying to remember something, you can often visualize a picture of it in your mind. (Wileman, 2002,p.114)
Based on De Porter and Henarcky (2015, p.118-120) the visual learning is a learning style in which ideas, concepts, data, and other information are associated with images and techniques. The characteristics exhibited by students visual style are : 1) students in visual learning style usually neat and orderly, 2) students able to speak rapidly, 3) they able to make plans and set long-term well, 4) they are thorough and detailed in doing something, 5) they also concerned with the appearance, 6) they are more easily remember what they see than what they hear, 7) they remember things based on visual association, 8) they have the ability to spell the letters very well, 9) they are normally not easily distracted by the commotion or noise while studying, 10) they are difficult to accept verbal instructions (therefore often they asked for instructions in writing), 11) They are the fast reader and diligent, 12) they would rather read than recited, 13) they provide a response to everything, they are always alert, requiring a thorough explanation of the purpose and various other related issues, 14) if they are on the phone they like to make note without meaning during speech, 15) they forgot to convey a verbal message to others, 16) they often answered questions with short answers "yes" or "no", 17) they would rather demonstrate something than speech, 18) they are more interested in art (painting, sculpture, drawings) than the music, 19) they often knowing about what should they say, but they are not clever to write in words, and the last, 20) they sometimes lose concentration when they paid attention.
Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that visual learners learn new skills by seeing and learn new information best through visuals. Using diagrams and other visual methods of learning are recommended for these types of learners.
b. Auditory learning style
Auditory learning is a learning style in which a person learns through listening. An auditory learner depends on hearing and speaking as a main way of learning. Students learn best by listening and discussing. When trying to remember some- thing, you can often “hear” the way someone told you the information, or the way you previously repeated it out aloud Brown ( 2000)
Based on De Porter and Henarcky (2015, p.118-120) the auditory learning is a learning style in which a person learns through listening. An auditory learner depends on hearing and speaking as a main way of learning.
The characteristics exhibited by students auditory learning style are; 1) they often talking to himself while working (learning),2) they are easily distracted by the commotion or noise,3) they are moving the lips and said writing in a book when reading, 4) they are more happy listening than reading,5) if they are reading, then they more pleased to read aloud, 6) they can repeat or imitate the tone, rhythm and timbre, 7) they will be difficult to write something, but very good at telling stories, 8) they speak in rhythm pattern well,9) they speak very fluent, 10) they prefer the art of music than any other art, 11) they learn to listen and remember what was discussed than what is seen, 12) they love to talk, discuss and explain things , 13) they get difficulty if they had faced the tasks associated with the visualization, 14) they are more clever to spell or say the words out loud than writing, and the last 15) they are more like humor or jokes oral rather than reading humor books / comics.
Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that auditory learners will benefit from creating recordings of the information that is being taught, as well as benefit from information that has been played back from these recordings. Most auditory learners tend to repeat things aloud, so they are able to easily learn the information that is being repeated.
c. Kinesthetic learning style
A kinesthetic-tactile learning style requires that you manipulate or touch material to learn. Students Learnt best by moving around and touching objects. Students like to be physically engaged in a “hands on” activity.Widayanti (2008,p.170)
Based on De Porter and Henarcky (2015, p.118-120) the kinesthetic-tactile learning style requires that you manipulate or touch material to learn. The characteristics exhibited by student’s kinesthetic learning style are; 1) they speak slowly, 2) they always give response to physical attention, 3) they are touching people to get their attention, 5) they stand close when talking with other people, 6) they always oriented towards physical and many moves, 7) they are having early development correct muscle, 8) they are learning through manipulation and practice, 9) they are memorizing by walking and see, 10) they point out by finger as a bookmark when reading, 11) they use many gesture of body, 12) they are unable to sit still in the long term, 13) they cannot remember the geographical unless they are has been in place, 14) they are using words contains action, love books oriented plot, 15) they are reflecting action by body movement while reading, 16) they have possibility of bad writing, 17) they want to do something.
Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that kinesthetic learners can take while trying to master new skills. Kinesthetic learners can use a hands on approach to take part in experiments, as well as other approaches where the individual can use their hands.
Based on those explanation, it can be concluded that one of learning style is the key to developing the performance of the learning process. The teachers in some primary and secondary schools in the United States realize that everyone has the optimal way to learn new information.Garden(2003,p.37-48). It is realized that some students need to be taught other ways of learning methods used . By knowing the learning style of each student , a teacher can approach almost all or all students with different learning styles vary in conveying information . Thus it can be interpreted that learning style is the way that tends chosen someone to receive information from the environment and process that information
D. Previous Research
In order to support this research, the researcher discusses two related studies. The first is study from Hutama Wahyu Nugraha (2013).This study told about The difference of learning styles of more and less effective language learners. This research study aims to identify the learning styles of students. To find out whether there are significant differences in the learning style preferences between more and less effective learners. The researcher used ex post facto research design. The researcher compares the learning styles of second grade students of MTs Darussa’adah Malang. Where the independent variable is English final examination. There were two levels of the independent variable. More effective and less effective learners. The dependent variable consisted of 24 students responses to a questionnaire. The questionnaire used by researcher to determine by provided 4 point the level of suitability learning style
The second is a study from Choirul Huda (2015). This research aimed to To describe students’ learning style in learning English at MTS Nurul Iman Kota Jambi. For this research a qualitative design with a descriptive approach used to investigate students performance for Eight Grade of MTS Nurul Iman Kota Jambi based on students’ perception. The researcher choosed the design and method because descriptive will explore bounded systems (cases) with in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information (e.g. Interview, demographic survey and observation). This research focuses on to investigate students’ style in learning English at MTS Nurul Iman Kota Jambi. Based on the research, the most students’ style learning was auditory. The result can be seen from the percentage of those columns. The item “agree “ got 21.33% and item “very agree” got 32.67 %.
The similarities of whole study is the focus of research . The focus of research is students’ learning style. The difference between the previous study and the present study is the last study add the discussion with more and less effective learning style. Besides the other previous k study used qualitative study.
Method and Procedure
A. Setting and Subject of the Research
This research was conducted in SMPN Satu Atap Muaro Jambi. This school is located at Muaro Jambi. There are a class for each grade. This school uses KTSP curriculum. This research was held on first semester in year 2018/2019.
B. Method of the Study
In conducting the research, the writer used the Quantitative with descriptive approach. Creswell (2003, p.78) noted that quantitative research is the process of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and writing the results of a study. Then, in this research a descriptive research, which emphasizes on a survey research. According to Lodico et,al. (2006 ,p.157), descriptive study is one of the most common types of quantitative research in education where researchers use cover letters to accompany their surveys. Moreover, Warwick and Lininger (1975,p.67) state that a survey is a method of collecting information about human population in which direct contact is made with the units of study (individuals, organizations, communications, etc) through such systematic means as questionnaires and interview schedule.
In this research the researcher will get data from questionnaire about learning style, hich got from 72 students of SMPN 1 atap Muaro Jambi.
C. Operational Definition
In order to avoid misunderstanding, the writer tries to explains some terms.
1. learning style is the way something to tends and to selected students in reacting and using the incentives in order to absorb , then organize and process each information in the process of learning.
2. Visual learning is a learning style in which ideas, concepts, data, and other information are associated with images and techniques. Students learn best when information is presented visually and in a picture or design format.
3. Auditory learning is a learning style in which a person learns through listening. An auditory learner depends on hearing and speaking as a main way of learning.
4. A kinesthetic-tactile learning style requires that you manipulate or touch material to learn. Students Learnt best by moving around and touching objects
In fact, in this study, the writer focuses on the three kinds of learning styles. They are visual, auditory and kinesthetic.
D. Population and Sample
1. Population
According to Best, (2008,p. 267) population is any group of individuals that have one or more characteristics in common that are of interest to the researcher. The population might be all the individuals of a particular type or a more restricted part of that group. Therefore based on definition, the population in this research is all the students of SMPN Satu Atap Muaro Jambi in academic year 2018-2019. There are three classes of the students with the total number of them is 72. The population of the research is shown in the table below:
Table 1:
Table Population of Study
Number of students
Sources: SMPN Satu Atap Muaro Jambi
2. Sample
Getting sample is very important in scientific research because the total number of population is usually too many. Because of the large number of population, the researcher took sample as the representative of the population. According to Best,(2008,p.268) a sample is a small proportion of a population selected for observation and analysis.
In this research the writer applied convenience sampling method. Convenience sample also called Haphazardly sample. Moreover, Fraenkel and Wallen (2006,p.94) states about sampling refers to a process to select the individulas who are used to be the sample. Meanwhile, non-random sampling (Fraenkel and Wallen, 2006,p.98) contains systematic sampling, convenience sampling, and purposive sampling. In this study the writer used convenience sampling which mean a sample that is easily accessible. Moreover, the writer choose all classes because SMPN Satu Atap Muaro Jambi only has a class for each grade.
E. The Data Collecting Technique
The research instrument is a tool of the research to collect data. In this research, the researcher used a questionnaire as the instrument. The questionnaire is relatively popular means of collecting data (Nunan, 1992,p.143). The first step was stating the purpose of questionnaire variable. Then, the variable was divided into some indicators . Next, the indicators were divided into descriptors based on literature review. The last step was stating the question items and asking to the advisor for comments and suggestions.
F. Statistical Analysis
In order to get the result of questionnaire, the researcher used the form of O’Brien about modality. Modality, also called learning channel, refers to the preferred sensory mode with which an individual detects, registers, and recalls information. There are three primary learning modalities or channels: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. It is not unusual for a student to possess traits that are characteristic of two or more modality types; some students process information differently in different situations. An informal assessment of a student's modality strength is vital for developing a relevant and effective learning strategy repertoire that capitalizes on the student's preferred sensory mode(s). Each item is followed by three possible answers. (1) Never applies to me, (2) Sometimes applies to me, (3) Often applies to me.
The given questionnaires were measured based on O’Brien (in Egan , 2004,p.12) as follows:
Table 2 Scale of answer
Often applies to me
Sometimes applies to me
Never applies to me
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